Saturday, March 26, 2022

8 Amazing Facts About Tattoo -


8 Facts About Tattoo

Tattoos are intriguing to some and a must-have for others. Here are some funny tattoo facts for you.

In the U.S., more women than men are tattooed.

There are over 20,000 tattoo parlors in the United States alone. A new establishment is being added in the country every day.

Americans spend approximately $1.65 billion on tattoos annually.

Often misspelled “tatoo”, the word tattoo is one of the most misspelled words in the
English language.
Johnny Depp once said “My body is my journal and my tattoos are my story".
George C. Reiger Jr. has over 1,000 Disney tattoos, including all 101 Dalmatians. He had to receive special permission from Disney because the images are copyrighted.
To mix tattoo color, urine was used sometimes.
S. Victor Whitmill, the artist who created the facial tattoo for Mike Tyson in 2003, sued Warner Bros. for mimicking it on actor Ed Helms for the film "The Hangover Part II".

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